
Looking at my blog here, I see that it has been a while since my last entry. So many things I’m thinking I could write about, my friends would say I definitely have opinions about various topics, so it’s not for lack of ideas. But then with all the thoughts comes, the process of selecting, which causes the delay, and then you remembered that there’s that stack of projects you promised to give back to your students tomorrow. Oh, and better practice this tune you’ll be playing at the concert on Saturday. Well, now it’s summer time, - oh look the sun is out, it’s going to be a really nice day today, better go out and enjoy it!

Just looked up the word “procrastination” – here’s the definition:

procrastinate  (prəʊˈkræstɪˌneɪt, prə-)


( usually intr ) to put off or defer (an action) until a later time; delay

So there it is, my confirmation that I will get another blog post up soon. Hmm, just remembered I need to go out with the posters for my July 17th gig at Ryles today. I’ll write the blog tomorrow… 

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